Private Coaching Experience

Ready to become the unstoppable, unapologetically authentic leader you were made to be?

For the high-achieving professional woman who is ready to experience unprecedented levels of alignment and fulfillment in your chosen career, set a new standard for leadership, and embody an authentic powerful leadership presence that actually feels good because it resonates with who you are.

I see you. 

You’re one of the rare ones. You’re the ultimate package of the high achieving professional who has emotional intelligence, integrity, and heart.  

You care. You care about your growth, your career progression, your sense of purpose, and helping others to shine alongside you. It’s important to you that you’re not feeling stuck. You want to reach the ultimate heights of your leadership potential and make a meaningful impact. 

You need to learn how to get out of your own way, stop the self-sabotage, and claim ownership of the boldest and brightest career opportunities out there for you. You need to step up. 

Become THAT leader everyone’s talking about. 

What if you could have a leadership presence that was so impactful, you become your company’s reference on the new age leader? The mentor everybody wants to have. The highest version of you, speeding towards bigger and brighter career-defining opportunities on your professional fast-track?

This is what becomes possible for you when you start showing up for yourself as an unapologetically authentic leader. 

When you fall in love with your authentic self, re-learn to listen to your intuition and lead from a place of authenticity, everyone benefits. You, your team (current or future), your manager, and your organization. 

You get to experience new levels of flow just by being unapologetically you. You find it easy to show up as your best self, continually transforming both yourself and others for the better. You supercharge feelings of fulfillment, all while attracting new levels of visibility, opportunity, success and satisfaction in your career. 

The best news? Reaching the ultimate heights of your leadership potential is something that can be learned – and you’re in the right place to do just that. 

Introducing…  The Authentic Leadership Accelerator! 

A 12-week transformative, private coaching experience for high-achieving professional women in leadership positions (or those who aspire to be) who want to take ownership of their unique leadership essence and be recognized as a best-in-class leader through relentless authenticity, unprecedented levels of confidence, tangible business impact, and their priceless ability to transform both themselves and others. 

I see you because I’ve been you.

Let me guess. You know you have more leadership potential inside of you, but currently you are:

  • Playing to the size of your comfort zone, or stuck in a cycle or behavioral pattern that you’re unsure how to break. 
  • Unclear on what makes you the absolute diamond standard of leadership – sure, you have strengths, but doesn’t everyone?
  • Making decisions from a place of external influence, often affected by what other people think.
  • Sick of wearing a mask in order to be well liked, unsure how to get results as your fully unhinged, true, authentic self.
  • Exhausted by the politics, conflict, team dynamics and mental load of the ever-demanding workplace, wondering how to take on more responsibility without sacrificing your values (or your sanity!). 
  • Unable to overcome the bad habits (negative self talk, lack of boundaries, people pleasing, burnout loops) that have gotten you this far but feel awful to hold onto. 
  • Struggling to meet everyone’s expectations without sabotaging your own wellbeing. 
  • Holding on to old confidence blockers that trigger your imposter syndrome and anxiety at work. 
  • Craving more impact but being overlooked for opportunities because being fantastic at what you do is only half the game. 

There is an easier way to become the unapologetically authentic leader that you aspire to be. 

Through this coaching experience, I empower high-achieving women in leadership positions to reconnect with their authentic self, gain insight into their unique leadership philosophy, and use their voice to transform themselves and those around them while experiencing unprecedented levels of confidence, impact, and recognition.

You will receive the tools, accountability, support and opportunities you need to ditch the self-sabotage and create exponential personal and professional growth –  opening a world of possibilities.

The Authentic Leadership Accelerator coaching experience isn’t another thing to add to your To Do List. It’s THE thing. 

In just 90 days you will gain:  

  1. Greater sense of self-awareness and enjoy more effective interactions with others.
  2. The ability to truly be present and lead with authenticity.
  3. Deeper understanding and mastery of your own mindset and resilience. 
  4. Newfound levels of personal and professional confidence. 
  5. New insights into how you want to lead and strategies for implementation.

Your play-by-play on becoming the best leader you can be. 

The Authentic Leader Accelerator is a 12-week personalized private coaching experience that will create the space for you to explore your inner world and how you want to show up in the outer world.

Let me ask you a question.

When was the last time you remember operating from a place of authenticity as a leader? 

Through the themes we explore in our coaching sessions you will gain insights that result in your growth and transformation as an unapologetically authentic leader.

If you are the kind of ambitious professional and leader who desires the ability to…

  • Fully exercise your strengths, talents and innovation without facing retribution for being a strong professional woman in a leadership role.
  • Create unwavering respect and support from your supervisor, team, and the wider business regardless of the underlying dynamics.
  • Trust your intuition fully and make big decisions with ease, releasing the unhelpful opinions of others. 
  • Speak up openly and honestly, balancing conviction and emotion with resiliency and business acumen. 
  • Become known for your ability to connect, develop, advocate for, and create safe spaces for the people around you.
  • Feel so confident about yourself and your ideas that you can take bold action and commit to a career full of exciting professional and personal growth. 

Then the Authentic Leader Accelerator is perfect for you.

An immense transformation from the inside out. 

We already know that you have been wildly successful in your career and either hold a high-level leadership position, or aim to transition into one in the near future. 

Now it’s time to become the authentic, purpose-driven leader you aspire to be. 

Upon graduation from this application-only, high touch coaching container, you can expect to walk away with: 

  • Increased confidence in your leadership capabilities, your own unique leadership style & career purpose.
  • A comprehensive toolkit of the mind that allows you to lead successfully.
  • A fresh perspective on how you can meet challenges and decision points head-on.
  • A natural ability to foster trusting, powerful relationships at all levels. 
  • Faster progression (promotion / positive job moves) for both yourself and those you lead and mentor. 
  • More success, fulfillment and satisfaction at work.
  • A sense of clarity, direction and purpose in your career. 
  • A specific personal development plan to continue your desired career trajectory.

And most importantly, a feeling of inner peace.

Waking up in the morning feeling calm, centered and excited to start your day. Moving through your day in a state of flow, feeling whole, confidently sharing your ideas and experience with others, connecting on a deeper level with your team, and achieving greater levels of success and recognition.

Finally, going to bed and resting easy because you are living your life being true to yourself, letting purpose and curiosity guide you, and being present throughout your day.

You bring the commitment, I’ll bring the proven methodology. 

The Authentic Leader Accelerator is a coaching experience where you will explore your inner world and how you want to show up in the outer world over 2 key phases:

Exploring Your Inner World

  • Reconnect with Your Authentic Self 
  • Be Present & Trust Your Intuition 
  • Show Up for Yourself 
  • Understanding Your EQ 
  • Increase Grit & Resilience
  • Choose Growth Mindset & Empowered Thinking 

Showing Up in the Outer World

  • Define Your Authentic Leadership Philosophy
  • Set Effective Boundaries 
  • Navigate Workplace Conflict 
  • Integrate Your New Authentic Leadership Philosophy at Work
  • Celebrate Your Progress and Envision What Comes Next 

Can we be real for a second?

If you want to reach the ultimate heights of career fulfillment and leadership prowess, you’ve got to get intentional and strategic. This kind of deep work doesn’t just happen by accident.

So you’re left with two choices.

1. You choose to keep doing more of the same, hoping that what got you here is enough to get you there, never truly healing your blindspots. 

2. You invest in personal transformation and embody the next level version of you. 

I know you’ve been telling yourself that maybe you can be okay with the status quo. Maybe this is as good as it gets. 

But if you stay stuck, you will keep feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with your career progression, and at serious risk of disengagement, burnout, and not reaching your full potential. 

Right time – Right place!

Throughout my career, I have always found that no matter where I was, I was there for a reason. Someone needed my support and guidance.

After years of accompanying people on their journey to reach their potential, here’s one thing I know to be true: If there’s a nagging voice inside of you saying you’re made for more, you should probably listen to it.

And after watching these people grow and transform into the professionals they desire to be, I’ve now developed and refined my signature system that will unlock your potential in record time. 

When you work with me, you will get a coach who is: 

  • Very present with my clients, which makes them feel deeply listened to.
  • Genuinely invested. Through our connection, they can feel my excitement for their progress toward their hopes and dreams.
  • Gifted in recognizing your potential and sharing observations that lead to personal insights and massive breakthrough moments.
  • Committed to holding you accountable to your fullest potential and to achieving the big, bold dreams you were quietly scared to say out loud. 

I’ve guided countless people on their path to realizing their full leadership potential and I can do the same for you. All it takes is a scared-but-excited YES to get started.  Let’s see if we’re a fit and if the right time is now!

You deserve this. 

In life, we set our dreams aside because we tell ourselves now is not the right time. We comfort ourselves with the idea of someday. However, as the movie “Knight & Day” reminds us, someday is a dangerous word because it’s really code for never. [20th Century Fox, 2010.]

Let today be the day that you choose you. 

Apply today for the transformational Authentic Leadership Accelerator coaching experience! Start making intentional moves toward connecting with your authentic self, feeling empowered and becoming a catalyst for change. You’ve earned it. 

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